Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Kicking off the Summer with a trip to Steamboat Springs, CO!


What an awesome trip we had out there with our friends, Ben and Mindy! We'll be back in CO again in about a month and we're definitely looking forward to it!

Here are a few more pics from the trip, there are many more on my Flickr page:

sunset all the way to the horizon

There is some serious Big Sky out there.

reflection evergreens
Plenty of gorgeous landscapes.

coming through! bucked off
The rodeo was awesome, possibly the most fun we had in town! I even got a sweet Stetson for the event, which you'll be seeing in future road trip pics, no doubt.

national forest on top of the ski mountain Mindy
Here we're doing a short hike at the top of the ski mountain, which is also a Nat'l Forest. And there is Mindy, looking good.