Monday, July 14, 2008

Ok, finally got this blog in shape

It was less painful than I thought it would be, but I finally got this blog looking decent.

I choose to make this roadtrip blog look similar to my old intellectual property law blawg, "Chris Rush Cohen," which had it's day in the sun once upon a time (it was linked to by BoingBoing, Slashdot, and other major leaguers at certain points, but I eventually grew bored of the endeavor).

I'm hoping to add "peek-a-boo" comments like on the G_T blog and to change the title color (which has proven oddly difficult), but otherwise I think this is more or less the final version of The Massive Roadtrip Blog!

Now all I need to do it plan our route... :)

And just for the heck of it, here's a random pic of iPadre's new baby boy, Dylan:
Baby D!


Jen said...

i've had similar problems with mine. your blog is also making me type in a word verification to comment. boo.
is mine doing that as well?

Chris Cohen said...


i like the word verification because then you get many fewer spam comments. you site isn't doing that, but then one can only comment on your site as a member of the blog, so security there is tighter.