Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Carlsbad Caverns National Park, go there!

We checked out The Big Room and also saw the bat flight at sunset (no photos allowed for that), it was all incredible! Definitely go here if you get the chance and time it so you're there for the sunset bat flight (around 7:00 pm).

During the bat flight, 250000-350,000 bats come swirling out of the cave in formation, they do about two loops in the swirl and then fly off in one long column. It lasts at least 15 minutes and at the peak of the flight there were thousands of bats swirling around right above the amphitheater where we were all sitting!

Carlsbad Caverns

Carlsbad Caverns

"Bottemless pit" on the right where an explorer took some Natl Geographic writers and photogs deep down into the caves back in the 1920's, leading to a spread in the magazine and the interest in the caverns that lead to it receiving Nat'l Park designation.
Carlsbad Caverns Bottemless hole, Carlsbad Caverns

Carlsbad Caverns

Cacti at Carlsbad Caverns Outside of Carlsbad Caverns at sunset

Gorgeous sunset, look at how the pink colors in the sky on the left streak through the blues and also check out the intensely bright star/planet right above the tree (easier to see if you look at the bigger version).
Sunset outside of Carlsbad Caverns

Bat flight amphitheater on the left (no cameras allowed for the actual flight), storm clouds on the horizon on the right.
Amphitheater from which we watched the bat flight at Carlsbad Caverns A storm is brewing to the SE, outside of Carlsbad Caverns

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