Seeing Jeromy for the first time since leaving Texas A&M in 2002 was awesome! We had a blast hanging out with him and getting wild, I'd forgotten how much fun we used to have together back in the day! Come visit us in SF, Jer!!!
Where's Randi when you need her?!?!
Steampunk Jer:
Jammin'! (Difference being that Jer can actually play a few instruments and I can't, ha.)
We're out of here -- we're leaving New York City and striking out west to seek our fortunes, there's gold in them thar hills!!
Ok, so we were doing ok in NYC, but the rat-race Manhattan lifestyle has worn us down. Sure, we could have just moved to Brooklyn with all the cool kids, but we're ready for something completely different -- and to kick it all off, we're quitting our jobs and going on a road trip!
We're going to visit many many places on our trip, a few of which we're specifically testing as potential places to move! When we find the right place, we're going to set our bags down and move right on in. At the moment San Fran is at the top of the short-list, ahead of Denver, Seattle, Boulder, and Portland. We believe that somewhere will just feel right, and that's where we'll end our trip!
To update the above, we have landed in beautiful San Francisco, we love it and we're here to stay!
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